Christian, Jesus, Purpose

Happy Holidays?

Well, it is officially the Holiday Season, ready or not…

I personally spent my Thanksgiving alone and sick. Which wasn’t all bad since I was able to get a few things accomplished.

On to tackle the big one, Christmas Day.

I remember a couple years ago when my ex and I had already divorced, his parents invited me and the kids over for Christmas Dinner and games.

We had a good time, but on the way home nostalgia overtook me, and I cried all the way home reminiscing of all the Christmases past.

And although it was nice to see the ex’s parents that year I don’t recommend spending time with your ex’s family. It was just too much of a reminder (for me at least).

Never mind the fact that the ex and I usually argued every Christmas about which family’s house we were going to (usually splitting it three ways), and when it was time to leave.

But now that a few years have gone by since the split, the holidays have gotten slightly easier. If I spend the holidays alone, it’s actually ok. There’s quite a few people in my circle that are alone as well.

Something that makes the holidays easier for us are creating new traditions. Don’t spend your holiday in the same place as in times past (unless you want to).

Fortunately for us I have a friend that makes these cute Sugar Cookie decorating kits. I buy one or two every year and the kids and I decorate them on Christmas Eve. That takes our minds off things for a bit.

We also like to take drives and explore new places such as looking at Christmas lights in neighborhoods we haven’t been to before.

Another favorite thing to do at Christmas is to get a few gifts together for families or children in need. My daughter and I like to pick out a few toys for the kids. It makes our hearts happy to help others out and leave the stresses of daily life behind.

So if you find yourself alone this Christmas remember King Jesus, the one who gave His life for you. He loves you so much, and He is ever present.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

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